Thursday, April 22, 2010

prepping for Colour 2010

I know I've said this before but Colour Conference London is coming up in a weeks time. woohoo!!
The other day when I was working out of Zoe and Jay's house I ran into the lovely Hannah. It's funny when you constantly hear people talking about someone you've never met and than you meet them. Her husband Oliver has been working with Zoe for a while and they founded Boomer|Stenberg - check it out, I love their jersey dresses and T-shirts. You should feel them, they're so soft :)
Anyway, Hannah got me roped into doing funky costumes for the Colour opener, tonight's the night and I hope we get as much done as possible!! Pics will be up soon x

1 comment:

  1. na, dann bin ich schon einmal sehr gespannt auf deine funky outfits! ich hoff du machst genug fotos von allen deinen kunstwerken. :-)
